For individuals

Your personal 1:1 roadmap
- In the first meeting we will clarify your topic and see if we are a good match. Even this initial contact will help you to organise your thoughts and gain some initial clarity - and it's completely non-binding as I don't charge a fee.
- f we are both convinced that we can be successful together, we will start coaching.

Coaching meets neuroscience
For three months, I will be with you. What makes my coaching unique is that I combine the classic solution-focused approach with insights from neuroscience, in particular the concept of ‘flow’ developed by Prof Dr Mihály Csíkszentmihályi.
In the flow state: the prefrontal cortex is deactivated – self-doubt disappears. Endorphins and serotonin are released and increase well-being.
Targeted feedback is necessary during the process, which activates the reward system.
The basic requirement is that the task is an optimal challenge (demand but not overload).
A state of flow cannot be achieved without focussed concentration.

This is the basic process of a coaching session with me. There are different approaches and methods available for each phase, which I will tailor to your needs. Here are some of the methods and approaches you can expect from me:

Business Coaching - Mental Level
Coaching according to the humanistic psychology approach
Inner parts work with hypnosystemic coaching & work with the ‘inner team’ (The term ‘hypnosystemic’ was coined by the specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, Gunther Schmidt, and the concept of the ‘inner team’ comes from the psychologist Friedemann Schulz von Thun)
Working with the driver model / ‘beliefs’ (transactional analysis combines methods from behavioural therapy with concepts and attitudes from humanistic psychology)
Systemic constellation (without representatives)
Various other common methods according to systemic and solution-focussed coaching such as 3-Worlds, 5-Pillars, Timeline, Affect Balance etc.

Breath Coaching - Physical Level (Breathwork)
Breathing training for slow / reduced breathing / breath holding / ‘hypoventilation’ (strengthening neurobalance, resilience, stress management, relaxation and regeneration, parasympathetic nervous system)
Reflection of breathing for more concentration and focussed attention (neuroscientifically proven by fMRI recordings of the resting-state network (default mode network (DMN)) and the prefrontal cortex (PFC), among others)
Breathing work for faster / high-frequency breathing / ‘hyperventilation’ (activation of sympathetic nervous system, release of adrenaline and cortisol for conscious energy boosts and drive)
Breathing training to strengthen organs / physically healthy – methods Training full & deep breathing to improve lung volume, coherent breathing to strengthen the heart etc.
Breathwork to stop thought cycles and get to your subconscious / intuition