Professional satisfaction for "comfort zone breakers"

Business Coaching.
Team Coaching.
Breath Coaching.

Excellence at work is not a matter of course for you, it is a matter of personal initiative?

Taking the initiative can be challenging. Here you can get professional sparring for yourself, as a leader, for your team or for your SME.

No standard coaching methods, but comprehensive support.


What do I mean by ‘comprehensive’?

Another word would be ‘holistic’. This is not about incense sticks or spiritual ‘chi chi’!

Holism looks at the human being as an interconnected system of body, mind and emotions, based on findings from neuroscience, psychology and medicine to promote overall health and performance.

What makes it special is that we don’t just involve your mind. We also involve your body, your  nervous system!

Certified systemic coaching in combination with
breath coaching (breathwork)


Find out what’s holding you, your team or SME back.


Learning to break through established thought patterns


Complete rediscovery of your balance (flow)

Beyond life support, breathing is the most powerful way to directly influence your autonomic nervous system and strengthen your neurobalance.


Holistic Coaching:

The key to sustainable change

Are you unhappy in your job? Do you want clarity and flow – as a private person, as a manager, for your team or for your SME?

We learn to think from an early age. Your thinking has made you (and your team) successful, but today a chaos of thoughts dominates and keeps you stuck. Why is this? Because you have forgotten to include the physical level.

Lasting satisfaction can only be achieved when thoughts, feelings and actions are in harmony – a ‘congruence’ that coaching and psychology consider essential.

As neuroscientist Friederike Fabritius says: “If you want to control your mind, use your body.

‘Change is the only constant,’ said Heraclitus in 500 BC.

I say: ’Didn't they breathe back then?’

Typical topics for private individuals
in 1:1 business coaching

"Driven marionette"

  • Do you feel constantly under pressure, nervous or stressed? Do you feel controlled by others rather than in control yourself?
  • Do you feel a growing need to be the pilot of your own professional life again?


  • Do your thoughts drift in different situations or get caught up in cycles?
  • Your attention is fading and you want clarity again?

"Leader not firefighter"

  • Does your team constantly need you, but instead of getting into the flow together, you are constantly busy putting out fires?
  • Are change processes dragging on and instead of working towards a common goal as a team, you are slowing each other down?
  • Do you want a culture of results where your team is empowered, focused and motivated?


  • Do you lack the energy to tackle your professional reorientation and get off the hamster wheel?
  • Does your everyday life feel like an endless cycle and the change you want seems out of reach?
  • Do you want to achieve new things alongside your job and finally take the wheel?

Typical topics you would like to improve as a decision maker in your team / SME:

„Work ethic“

Do you have great employees, but their working methods lack drive and energy? Do you want a high-performance team that flows again? #High performance team

„Health promotion“

Sick days on the rise, pressure and stress increasing in all areas? #company health management #burnout prevention #resilience training


Your employees lack attention and focus, which is exactly what is needed for optimal performance. #deep work #results culture


Do you want to take employees with you into the change process, prevent conflicts and implement change in the best possible way? #Change Management

My clients...

... do not want to ignore or postpone their professional challenges - but accept them!

You are convinced that you can achieve fulfilment – flow – instead of professional pressure.

According to Prof Dr Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, the law of flow is that it does not occur when you feel safe and secure, the feeling of flow is always coupled with ‘I am active – present with all my energy’.

YES – you want to be active in your challenge! Do you feel an inner urge to take things into your own hands and are you ready to step out of your comfort zone (or get your people out of their comfort zone)?

But you/your team/your SME lack the energy or the methods at the moment?

About SuSaFlow...

... there are coaches like ‘sand by the sea’, but only here does it flow the way you want it to!

SuSaFlow stands for ‘Sustain Satisfaction Flow’ and means: ‘The flow (to) sustainable satisfaction’ and is aimed in particular at job satisfaction.

With SuSaFlow you have found a sparring partner who will accompany you with professionalism to generate your energy to sustainably bring your own initiative to professional satisfaction.

I personally vouch for this with my word!

Hello, I’m Carolin. I am a 32-year-old woman who for years was caught between financial security and a deep desire for professional fulfilment. I struggled with the fear of change and the overwhelming uncertainty of taking the step.

Looking back, I realise that for me, ‘the journey was the destination’. With the money I had saved from my apprenticeship, I studied part-time at weekends to become a business economist, trainer, business economist and later a systemic coach (team & business), breathing trainer and change manager. This has allowed me to spend half my life gaining valuable practical experience in a variety of positions.

“What am I like?” My friends describe me as a buld bundle of energy and strangers as a ray of sunshine. You can find out how I define my values and what skills I have to offer on the following page.
